Our Leadership
Kayy Gordon
Rev. Kayy Gordon was only 22 years old when she left her home church, Glad Tidings, in Vancouver, Canada and travelled alone to Canada's Arctic. She felt a burning desire to light a fire for God in the frozen barren lands. Kayy has slept in Inuit igloos, walked in their mukluks, eaten their muktuk, and bounced behind a dogteam or on a jolting snowmobile over hundreds of miles of rough ice and snow to bring the message of Jesus to hungry-hearted Inuit.
Kayy, a dynamic missionary/evangelist, has pastored a number of churches, and brought the message of the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit to the remote areas of Canada's North. Through 50 years of pioneering many churches and a Bible School have been established in the Arctic. Many years ago God gave her a vision of "fire burning in ice" and spreading quickly. Now she is living to see that vision fulfilled as the fire of the Holy Spirit has spread from village to village, setting many Inuit hearts on fire for God. Kayy still serves as President of Arctic Missions and Principal of the Bible School. God's call "to the nations" has also burned in her heart in later years, and she continues to minister in many countries as the Lord leads.
Kayy has authored two books: "God's Fire on Ice" and "Arctic Ablaze".
Rev. Lynn Patterson
In 1982 Lynn answered a call "to the North" which would change the direction of her ministry. She began working with the Inuit along with Kayy Gordon. First she taught in the Bible School at Cambridge Bay, then later in the new Bible School at Rankin Inlet. After the tragic crash of the Mission's airplane in 1983, Lynn continued ministering in the Arctic travelling, preaching, pastoring village churches and helping to raise up Inuit leadership. In 1990 the Lord spoke to her to go to Yellowknife, the capital city of the Northwest Territories. Lynn founded "Glad Tidings Fellowship" in Yellowknife and pastored there for 16 years.
Today Lynn serves as a Vice President and Supervisor of Arctic Missions in the Arctic and is a great inspiration to many. Lynn also has ministered in several countries including Asia, Africa, Great Britain and Argentina. The Lord has given Lynn a vision for end-time revival, and she has taken teams to conduct "Good News Conferences" where many people have been touched and changed by God's power.
Raising Up Local Leadership
The Lord Jesus clearly told us not only to "preach the gospel", but also to "teach all nations". We feel God has given our Bible School a mandate to equip Inuit believers and leaders with the truths of God's Word so they can effectively share their faith with others.
It is our earnest prayer that the mantle of leadership will fall heavily on the shoulders of the next generation of Inuit to ensure the truths of this life-changing gospel continue to be proclaimed across the Arctic until Jesus returns!