Welcome to Glad Tidings Arctic Missions!
Glad Tidings Arctic Missions Society (GTAMS) serves as an umbrella mission that provides covering, leadership and assistance to our several arctic churches and Bible School in the Canadian Arctic. GTAMS began in 1956 as pioneer missionary Kayy Gordon, answered God's call to Canada's North. Later, Glad Tidings Arctic Missions was granted Society status, and is duly registered as a "Non-profit Charitable Society" with the Canadian Federal Government.
The Lord has wonderfully visited the Arctic with revival fire radically changing hundreds of Inuit lives. Now almost all our churches are led by Inuit pastors who have firmly gripped the torch of leadership. The pastors themselves often organize village-wide Youth Conferences, Outreach Teams to reach other villages, and regional Gospel Crusades. Always their vision is to reach more Inuit for JESUS!
Our Glad Tidings Arctic Bible School has offered an extensive Bible training program to Inuit people since 1980. Our school is committed to equip and prepare Inuit men and women who feel called into gospel ministry. Also, of prime importance is our aim to encourage ongoing stability in the Christian lifestyle of each student, thereby enabling them to make significant contributions to the stability and future progress of their communities.